Looking to trade for/buy the following (pictured is what I have for trade, I also have singles/accessories from other tcgs, just dm me): 3x Jinbe OP07-045 3x Perona OP01-077 1x Sengoku OP07-046
Looking to trade for/buy the following (pictured is what I have for trade, I also have singles/accessories from other tcgs, just dm me): 3x Jinbe OP07-045 3x Perona OP01-077 1x Sengoku OP07-046
Looking to trade for/buy the following (pictured is what I have for trade, I also have singles/accessories from other tcgs, just dm me): 3x Jinbe OP07-045 3x Perona OP01-077 1x Sengoku OP07-046,未開封ONE PIECE DXF?THE GRANDLINE MEN? ワノ国 vol.21 トニートニー・チョッパー ワンピース : らしんばん通販 Yahoo!店 - 通販 - Yahoo!ショッピング,WTS CASH OFFERS! No to trades. OP-02 MANGA PORTGAS D ACE SP NAMI BB DON!! Card OP-07 BONNEY ALT LEADER OP-07 DRAGON ALT LEADER OP-05 DONQUIXOTE ALT LEADER OP-09 BUGGY ALT LEADER