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Depression is the world’s biggest silent killer. At least 300 million people around the world are depressed. India leads the way with at least 6.5% of the population depressed. Compounding the issue is the fact that this disease is often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Depressed people can be accused of being lazy, unambitious or irresponsible. Even today, depression is so stigmatized that people feel ashamed to seek help.

But if the depressed person reaches out for help in time, a miraculous turnaround can be achieved by expert mental health professionals. We are keen to help.


The Blue Nile Methodology

  • Educate on the symptoms and framework of depression – including masked depression
  • Seek psychiatric intervention if needed
  • Offer complete acceptance and space without demanding an immediate change in behavior
  • Address the current and past triggers for depression – for catharsis and clarity
  • Propose an incremental process – with baby steps taken in the beginning
  • Focus not just on emotions, but also on physical and psychosomatic aspects of behavior – nutrition, sleep patterns, exercise etc
  • Highlight the positive aspects of the past
  • Catalyze empowering actions in the present
  • Help create positivity towards the future
  • Educate on effective management of emotions and stress

High-level objectives

  • Re-engineer core beliefs
  • Resolve negativity stemming from defining past events – either within or by taking concrete actions
  • Develop a strong support structure of relationships
  • Augment physical fitness to augment mental wellness
  • Eventually, identify gaps in life/technical skills
  • Participate in formal or informal skill development programs
  • Live purposefully and joyfully
  • Overall, boost self-esteem

Our areas of expertise

Anxiety disorders, Depression, Marriage Counselling, Relationship Counselling, Adolescent Counselling, Child Counselling, Career Guidance and many more.


Counselling and Life skills go hand in hand and hence we offer varied services that enable you to get the best of life skills.